October 26, 2022

47 community tools every builder on Flow should have on their radar

Written by:Β 



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47 community tools every builder on Flow should have on their radar 🧡


1/ NFT launch platforms

To launch NFTs on Flow, either build custom software or use one of:

- @gigantik_
- @mintdotstore
- @StarlyNFT
- @rcrdshp
- @onunblocked
- @GaiaMarketplace
- @everbloomapp*
- @rarible*
- @0xMatrixMarket*
- touchstone.city*



2/ Communication

Growing and building a thriving community requires communication to, with and between community members

- Twitter (+ Twitter Spaces AMAs)
- Discord (w/ appropriate bots)
- @SubstackInc for email newsletter


3/ Community rewards

Rewarding the community for their participation in live AMAs, questionnaires and competitions

- floats.city by @emerald_dao
- @hypedotday
- @33_labs's bayou33.app & drizzle33.app
- @gleamapp
- Google forms


4/ Community voting

Involve your community by enabling voting on product decisions, strategic directions, storytelling or anything else really

- cast.fyi by @dapper_collectives


5/ Token gated content / access

Enable people with your NFT to access exclusive content, or communities

- @telliesite for websites
- @Collab_Land_ and @emerald_dao's Emerald ID for Discord
- @W3W_ai for physical merch



6/ Rarity tools

If you have generative NFTs, it’s useful to the community to see how rare NFTs are using rarity tools

- @flowscorenft native to Flow
- others like @raritytools, @Rarity_Sniffer , @RaritySniperNFT which may accept Flow projects


7/ Stats

Transparent stats about your NFT collection

Flowverse current has two rankings boards that you want to be listed on:

- flowverse.co/rankings
- nft.flowverse.co/stats

@flipsidecrypto also has an API & thriving community of analysts building project dashboards


8/ Showing off NFTs

People want to highlight your NFTs

Get them displayed in wallets and profile pages at @BloctoApp, @findonflow, @lilico_app and @dapperlabs


9 (final)/ Other tools

- @flowty_io
- @IncrementFi
- @toucansapp
- @flownsorg
- Geeft
- @onflowser
- @getpuddle
- @tokenproof
- @niftory
- Boolean.XYZ (soon)
- link.ecdao.org

+ more (if we missed you, let us know below)


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