July 11, 2021

Flowverse Deep Dive: Blocto

Blocto is a next generation crypto wallet that supports Flow Blockchain. Here’s our deep dive into their project.

What is it?

  • Blocto is a next generation crypto wallet that was the first to support Flow Blockchain.

Founders, Advisors

  • Founders: Hsuan Lee, Edwin Yen
  • Advisors: Roham Gharegozlou, Kevin Chou, Animoca Brands, Joseph Delong

Key Features

  • Great user experience: Simple and well designed user interface to give users a seamless experience. Easy on ramps for users: Lots of tutorials on how to use the app, Google Pay, Moon Pay, mobile and web SDK experience.
  • Flexible security model: Provides both custodial and non custodial key management.
  • Blocto points: Simplifies gas payments as users can pay transaction fees with Blocto points so they don't have to hold a lot of other tokens.
  • Multi chain integration: Blocto supports Flow, Ethereum, BSC, Solana and Tron, and there is a portal to blockchain apps to access cross chain assets.
  • Support for NFTs on Flow: NBA TopShot, MotoGP, Versus, CNN.
  • Products: Include BloctoSwap, Blocto (wallet), Blocto Balancer, Blocto Auction House and Blocto Vault.

Upcoming Developments

  • Layer 2 solutions to be integrated in a frictionless manner.
  • Exploring integrations with zkSync, Loopring, xDai, Polygon, Polkadot, Avalanche.
  • $BLT Token: The utility and governance token for Blocto. $BLT community sale is happening on 13-15 July 2021.
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